3 PhD positions in ERC Advanced Grant project WellSIRe, Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute

The Department of Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy accepts applications for three doctoral researcher scholarships in the framework of the ERC research project “Wellbeing Returns on Social Investment Recalibration (WellSIRe)” led by Prof. Anton Hemerijck. The project investigates the role of social investment policies in 21st century welfare states in post-industrial European societies.

The selected candidates will participate fully in the regular four-year EUI Doctoral Programme in Political and Social Sciences, but will be financed by the ERC project and prepare their dissertation in the framework of the project.

Note: The policy of the EUI is not to offer individual guidance and advice on dissertation proposals. Applicants should not contact potential supervisors but read the information on research themes and indicate one or more professors who could supervise their dissertation in the application form.

Application deadline: 31 January 2021.

Start of the doctoral programme: 1 September 2021.

Call for applications: https://www.eui.eu/ServicesAndAdmin/AcademicService/DoctoralProgramme/GrantInfo/WellSIRe
