Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to submit your abstracts for the ESPAnet2022 VIENNA CONFERENCE
‘Social Policy Change between Path Dependency and Innovation’.
You can find the Conference Streams/Tracks on the Conference website:
IMPORTANT = To submit an abstract, please create an account in the conference management tool and follow the (very easy) step-by-step submission process:
In the submission process you will be asked to indicate the track (stream) you wish to apply for, the specific format of your abstract, your affiliation and an abstract of 500 words. You will also have the option to name multiple authors.
You can submit an abstract of either a paper or a poster.
The deadline for abstract submission is 04 April 2022. The Conference Committee will inform applicants by 13 May 2022.
Please bear in mind that the decision about acceptance of the paper will exclusively be communicated to the person who submitted the paper via the conference management tool.
We look forward to receiving you submission,
The ESPAnet2022 Organising Committee