Call for Special Issue Proposal for Social Politics (winter 2017 issue).

The editors of Social Politics invite submission of proposals for a special issue with a publication date of winter 2017.

It is intended that the issue will contain up to six substantive articles of between 8,000 and 10,000 words.

Proposal due date: Friday July 1st 2016.


Social Politics is the journal for incisive analyses of gender, politics and policies in an international context. The journal’s mission is to stimulate cross-fertilisation in scholarship in the social sciences, with gender and intersectional perspectives to the fore. Of core interest are the restructuring of capitalisms and states as well as cultural and normative shifts, and the implications of associated changes for work, families, care, migration, politics, and development. We welcome theoretical and empirical work and endorse methodological rigour and diversity. We are especially interested in comparative analyses. We are looking for articles that engage in this exciting mix of scholarship that will be of interest to our multidisciplinary and international audience.

Proposals should include:

  1. two pages describing the theme, its timeliness and relevance to Social Politics’ audiences

  2. abstracts of the proposed papers, and any completed papers if available

  3.  A timeline for submission (final copy will be required by September 2017).


Because of our international audience and the comparative focus of the journal it is expected that papers will come from, or be about, more than one country case study. Abstracts for papers that focus on one country case study are welcome in the special issue proposal, but the author(s) will need to make it clear how the case study contributes to broader conceptual or theoretical debates within the field and to the overall comparative and international texture of the special issue as a whole.

Prospective special issue guest editors may find it useful to consult some recent special issues published by the journal, such as The Politics, Policies and Political Economy of Outsourcing Domestic Work (vol 22.2, 2015); Sexual Economies and New Regimes of Governance (vol 21.3, 2014); New Times, New Spaces: Gendered Transformations of Governance, Economy and Citizenship (vol 20.2, 2013); Intersectionality in the Equality Architecture (vol 19. 4, 2012); and Transnational Care in Europe – Changing Formations of Citizenship, Family and Generation (vol 19.1, 2012).

Proposals must be submitted by Friday July 1st 2016 (via email) to:

The Editorial Board will consider all proposals in July 2016