Category: Conferences
Workshop: Adequate social policy responses for transformational challenges in the Nordic countries and beyond?
Nordic ESPAnet-ReNEW workshop for doctoral students & early career researchers 7 – 8 December 2023, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen This workshop focuses on the extent to which social policies respond adequately to various exogenous and endogenous challenges in the Nordic countries. These challenges include digitalisation, climate change, demographic ageing, and labour shortages. All have the…
EspaNet France workshop on Gender and the Welfare State (30-31 March)
In connection with the European network EspaNet, the RT 6 of the French Sociology Association organizes a scientific meeting open to all researchers specializing in the analysis of social protection, social policies and solidarity. This year’s symposium is devoted to gender in social policies. The workshop is held online, on Thursday 30 March and Friday…
CALL for Sessions! 16th ESPAnet Italy Conference, University of Milan 13-15 September 2023 “Welfare systems in transition: between equity and sustainability”
The 16th ESPAnet Italy Conference 2023 will be hosted by the University of Milan – Department of Social and Political Sciences September 13-15 2023 The Conference includes parallel thematic sessions, round-tables and plenaries as well. Guest speakers: Maurizio Ferrera, Elena Granaglia, Ana Guillen, Anton Hemerijck, Manos Matsaganis, Bruno Palier, Chiara Saraceno, Waltraud Schelkle. Ready to…
Virtual ESPAnet Workshop 2022/2023
The Virtual ESPAnet Worksop is an online seminar series in Comparative and European Welfare State Research, hosted by the European Social Policy Network (ESPAnet) and coordinated by Andre’ Walter (Zurich), Cecilia Bruzelius (Tübingen), and Philip Rathgeb (Edinburgh). Our workshop was launched in 2021 to bring together scholars with a common interest in the welfare state…
Social policy and crises – multiple perspectives ESPAnet Germany doctoral workshop, 16 & 17 March 2023 at WZB Berlin, Germany
European welfare states are at the center of various crises. In contrast to earlier decades, current crises are often not crises of the welfare state, but rather exogenous developments that affect social policy making and/or need to be addressed by social policy measures. These developments include longer-term political, demographic and macroeconomic trends, e.g. party system…
ESPAnet France: Gender and the Welfare State: Understanding, Categorizing and Dealing with Gender (In)equalities
In connection with the European network EspaNet, the RT 6 of the French Sociology Association organizes a scientific meeting open to all researchers specializing in the analysis of social protection, social policies and solidarity. Next year’s symposium is devoted to gender in social policies. Gender analysis of the welfare state has made a significant contribution…
Call for Pitch Your Book Session (ESPAnet Vienna)
Dear colleagues, During the ESPAnet2022 VIENNA CONFERENCE (14-16 September 2022), we would like to offer participants additional opportunities to present their work. During the Pitch your Book sessions, it will be possible to present a book that is published in 2021 or 2022, or a book that will be published later in 2022. Each pitch will be allocated 10-15 minutes in a series of pitch sessions that will…
ReNEW-Nordic ESPAnet workshop for doctoral students and early career researchers: Social Citizenship, Democracy and Sustainability in the Nordic countries –– 26-27 May 2022, University of Iceland (accommodation & workshop participation covered)
Ongoing changes during the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic in the Nordic welfare states call for a new understanding of social citizenship and solidarity among citizens, communities, and societies, as well as social and citizens groups. The Nordic countries are faced with unprecedented structural transformations in the labour market under the fourth industrial revolution (digitalisation, robotisation,…