Category: Job offers
15 new Ph.D. positions in the field of ageism
A new Marie-Curie Innovative Ph.D. Training Program funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 is opening up in the field of ageism. The prestigious program called EuroAgeism is funded under Horizon 2020, MSCA-Innovative training network as international, multidisciplinary, inter-sectorial training program. Application deadline: Jan 31st 2018 They are seeking 15 excellent early stage researchers…
Post Doc Position at MZES in Social Sciences in the data and Methods Unit.
The Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) at the University of Mannheim offers one Postdoc position in social sciences with a focus on methods in political science. The deadline for applications is January 5, 2018. Sumissions The MZES is an interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Mannheim dedicated to comparative European social research…
Fully funded DPhil Scholarship in Social Policy at Oxford
The Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford has 3-year graduate scholarship on topics related to a new ERC-funded project. The successful candidate will work with Dr. Erdem Yörük on his project that investigates the political causes of welfare state development in emerging market economies (summary below). Deadline for applications is 31 May…
2 Fellowships at The Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) at the University of Mannheim
One fellowship is in the MZES Research Department A »European Societies and their Integration« and the other is in the MZES Research Department B »European Political Systems and their Integration« Terms and conditions are the same for both start 1 October 2017 Application deadline is April 28th 2017. The MZES is an interdisciplinary research institute of the University of…
JESP -Journal of European Social Policy – is looking for new editor/s
A new Editor or Editorial team is now sought for JESP. The Editor(s) will be under contract to SAGE Publications and will work closely with the JESP Editorial Board. Deadline for applications is 31 March 2017. The Journal is an interdisciplinary forum for research, scholarship and debate on social policy developments in Europe (and beyond), in particular…
PhD Position and PostDoc at Tübingen
Invitation for Applications: 2 positions (1 PhD and 1 Post Doc) at the newly established Chair of Comparative and Applied Public Policy the University of Tübingen, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science in the area of comparative social policy or social rights of EU migrant citizens. Both positions start 1 October 2017 Application Deadline 15…
Fully funded DPhil Scholarship in Socal Policy at Oxford
The Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford has 3-year graduate scholarship on topics related to a new ERC-funded project. The successful candidate will work together with Dr. Erdem Yörük on his ERC-funded project that investigates the political causes of welfare state development in emerging market economies. Candidates with MSc degree in social…
PostDoc position at at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
The Institute of Politics and Social Policy at the Johannes Kepler University invites applications for a full-time post-doctoral tenure track position. The position is for six years initially and will turn into a professorship of Political Science (§ 99) upon completion of the requirements specified in a tenure track agreement. Job Profile: Political Science with…