Category: News

  • Doctoral Fellowships BIGSSS starting Fall 2016

    The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) seeks candidates with strong academic abilities and a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in political science, sociology, or psychology and related social science disciplines for its Ph.D. program starting fall 2016. Application deadline is February 15, 2016. Successful applicants will pursue a topic in one of BIGSSS’…

  • Doctoral & Graduate scholarships available 2016

    The Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford is offering graduate scholarships for students wishing to pursue doctoral – DPhil – studies in an international and interdisciplinary centre of excellence in (comparative) social policy as well as social intervention and evaluation research.  Scholarships from october 2016 Deadline for applications: 22 January 2016 noon UK time.…

  • Policy Press offer for ESPAnet members

    ESPAnet members get a special discount rate on subscriptions to Policy Press’ social science journals (print only). The offer is for subscriptions to the following journals: Policy & Politics Journal of Poverty and Social Justice Evidence & Policy Voluntary Sector Review Families Relationships and Societies Critical and Radical Social Work Journal of Playwork Practice  Members of Espanet can subscribe…

  • The JESP/ESPAnet Doctoral Researcher Prize 2015 winner

    Tom Chevalier is the 2015 prize winner for his paper  “Varieties of Youth Welfare Citizenship: Towards a Two-Dimension Typology”. The ESPAnet board and the editorial board of the Journal of European Social Policy are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2014/15 JESP/ESPAnet Doctoral Researcher Prize is Tom Chevalier[i] (Centre d’Etudes Européennes, Sciences Po) for his…

  • The ESPAnet 2016 Conference – Call for stream convenors

    The ESPAnet Conference 1-3 September 2016 Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands Re-inventing the welfare state? Pathways to sustainability, equality and inclusion in European welfare states Call for stream convenors is now open. Link to information about requirements and themes Deadline for Expression of interest is 27 November 2015. link to Conference homepage    

  • New journal on social policies

    ESPAnet Italy has established a new journal on social policies in Italy and across Europe: Politiche Sociali/Social Policies The editors are Maria Luisa Mirabile (editor-in-chief) and Valeria Fargion. Articles are published in Italian or English. Politiche sociali/Social Policies intends to establish itself as a critical reference point for Italian as well as international scholars interested…