The organizers at Erasmus University Rotterdam invite colleagues working on the theme of privatization of work-related risk control to submit abstracts for papers to be presented at the Conference.
Subsmission deadline: 21 February 2019
The conference aims to understand the changing responsibilities of public and private actors in the control of work-related risks. During the last few decades government-centred welfare models are increasingly complemented or supplanted by novel constellations, which redefine government responsibilities (e.g., investment in human resources vs. social protection), and let private actors share increasing responsibility (a.o., for occupational disease, incapacity, unemployment or sustained employability). This transition creates new challenges for stakeholders, which must be overcome in order to be effective. Within this framework, the conference will focus on two major subthemes:
- Instruments: in what novel instruments have the changing responsibilities resulted, for example in terms of enforcement of social policies, or insurance of labour market risk? What novel collaborative governance initiatives between public and private actors have emerged?
- Consequences: what consequences do the changing responsibilities entail for stakeholders (e.g., workers at risk, employers, caseworkers)? How do they impact collective welfare and suffering from work-related risks?
This conference is part of two interfaculty collaborations that have been funded by the Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam: the Research Excellence Initiative Shifting from Welfare to Social Investment States: The Privatization of Work-Related Risk Control and its Impact, and the Erasmus Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity.
Abstract submission
We are inviting participants to present research on the (sub)themes of the conference (full-fledged papers). Abstract (max. 250 words) submission deadline is 21 February 2019 send abstracts by email to with subject “conference paper submission” Also, please indicate whether or not you want your submission to be taken into consideration for a special issue on the conference theme.
Abstracts will be selected according to their fit with the (sub)themes of the conference and papers’ contribution to the field. Authors will be notified about the selection within two weeks after the submission deadline.
Conference participation
Participation is free of charge. Non-presenters may send their contact details and affiliation to and indicate “conference registration” as the subject of the email. Note that to enable a sufficiently balanced program, preference may be given to presenting participants.
More information on the Conference website