Tag: espanet
Early Career & PhD Workshop SOCIOECONOMIC MOBILITY AND PUBLIC POLICIES (12th – 13th June 2025)
Join us at the first Early Career and Doctoral Workshop on Socioeconomic Mobility and Public Policies. This workshop is organized by Doctoral Researchers from the Department of Economics at the University of Alcalá and aims to be an opportunity for young scholars in Social Sciences (Economics, Sociology, Political Science, etc.) to connect and share their insights…
Virtual ESPAnet Workshop 2024 – Comparative and European Welfare State Research
Dear all, We are delighted to announce the full programme for the 2024 edition of the Virtual ESPAnet Workshop. We received a significant number of high-quality paper proposals, and we tried to put together a varied and balanced programme with regard to topics and gender. We are excited to have such an excellent line-up of presenters and discussants. We are launching this year’s workshop with a…
CALL FOR PAPER ABSTRACTS for the 22nd ESPAnet Annual Conference
(28-30 August 2024, Tampere, Finland) Deadline: 25th of April 2024 23:59 EEST (UTC+3) Dear Colleagues, We are happy to announce that the call for paper abstracts for the 22nd ESPAnet Annual Conference is now open! The full list of streams is available at our website https://espanet-tampere2024.org. The deadline for submission of paper abstracts is 25th of April 2024 (EEST). We are…
Leuven Institute for Advanced Study – KU Leuven (Belgium) Junior fellowships, November 2023 on ‘Principles for a balanced Pension reform’ Travel and hotel costs are covered up to €1,000 Call for junior fellows Leuven Institute for Advanced Study (LIAS) invites applications for visiting junior fellows within the project ‘Principles for a balanced pension reform’ (13 November-3…
Workshop: Adequate social policy responses for transformational challenges in the Nordic countries and beyond?
Nordic ESPAnet-ReNEW workshop for doctoral students & early career researchers 7 – 8 December 2023, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen This workshop focuses on the extent to which social policies respond adequately to various exogenous and endogenous challenges in the Nordic countries. These challenges include digitalisation, climate change, demographic ageing, and labour shortages. All have the…
JESP/ESPAnet Doctoral Researcher Prize
The Journal of European Social Policy (JESP) and the Network for European Social Policy Analysis (ESPAnet) are offering a prize to the best paper by a doctoral researcher presented at any of the ESPAnet conferences, workshops or seminars in 2021 or 2022. The prize-winning paper is provided with high-profile opportunity of publication in JESP, and the winner also receives…
Extension! ESPAnet Conference 2022 (Vienna) – Call for Streams
Dear Colleagues, We have received many promising stream proposals already. To encourage a higher participation, we decided to extend until December 5th the call for streams for the next ESPAnet conference: Social Policy Change between Path Dependency and Innovationto be held in Vienna 14-16 September 2022 is open and online.This is the link: www.espanet-vienna2022.org The extended Deadline is: December 5th 2021We look forward getting your proposals. The local…
Nordic ESPAnet workshop for doctoral students and early career researchers –The Nordic welfare states after COVID
9‐10 December 2021Doctoral students and early career researchers in the social sciences are cordially invited to submit a paper proposal to this workshop organized by the Nordic ESPAnet. Call for abstracts/papersThe COVID‐19 pandemic hit the Nordic countries to varying degrees, and the responses also differed. Like in many other European countries, lock‐down measures of different…