CALL FOR STREAMS: The 2019 Annual ESPAnet Conference, 5-7 September in Stockholm

The 2019 Annual ESPAnet Conference: Social Citizenship, Migration and Conflict – Equality and opportunity in European welfare states, 5-7 September in Stockholm


The organising committee of the 17th ESPAnet Annual Conference invites proposals for conference streams.

The 17th annual ESPAnet Conference is organized by SOFI and will take place in Stockholm. Migration to and within Europe has challenged us to reconsider how to organize the welfare state. Are European countries prepared to change social policies? Will the responses be adequate and sustainable? Has the landscape of European welfare states changed substantially in terms of social citizenship, equality and opportunity due to the societal and political challenges Europe has faced in the past years?

You are kindly invited to submit a stream proposal before 30 November 2018 following this link

Responsibilities of stream convenors

  • Stream convenors are responsible for one or more paper sessions organised within a particular stream.
  • Stream convenors are responsible for ranking all abstracts submitted to their stream.
  • The number of sessions and accepted abstracts per stream is decided by the local organising committee.
  • In the run-up to the conference, stream convenors together with the local organisers make sure that deadlines for paper submissions are met.
  • Convenors chair their sessions at the conference.
  • Convenors are not allowed to present a paper in their own stream, not even as a co-author.
  • Convenors are not allowed to restrict their streams to papers from their own projects or networks.


Stream Themes

The annual ESPAnet conferences have many different streams, some with established continuity. For inspiration, we provide a list of suggested stream themes below. Proposals for stream topics may of course differ from these suggestions. For all topics, we welcome streams that incorporate a gender and diversity perspective.

Suggestions for Stream Themes

  1. European refugee crisis and social citizenship
  2. EU labour migration and social policy
  3. Active ageing and the generational welfare state
  4. Pensions, contributions and benefits
  5. Innovative approaches to labour market inclusion
  6. Protecting atypical workers in Europe
  7. Family policy and care
  8. Sustaining minimum incomes
  9. Crises, austerity and social security financing
  10. Populism, democracy and social policy
  11. Housing and the welfare state
  12. Perspectives on the European Pillar of Social Rights
  13. Social investments over the life course
  14. Welfare states around the globe
  15. Climate change and social policy
  16. Cash and care in health policy
  17. Risks and benefits of technological change
  18. Religion and culture in social policymaking
  19. Comparative methodology
  20. Open stream(s)


We look forward to see many exciting stream proposals for next year’s ESPAnet Conference,

Yours sincerely,

The Organizing Committee