Virtual ESPAnet Workshop 2022/2023

The Virtual ESPAnet Worksop is an online seminar series in Comparative and European Welfare State Research, hosted by the European Social Policy Network (ESPAnet) and coordinated by Andre’ Walter (Zurich), Cecilia Bruzelius (Tübingen), and Philip Rathgeb (Edinburgh). Our workshop was launched in 2021 to bring together scholars with a common interest in the welfare state and social policy and provide a platform for the presentation and discussion of work in progress.

The workshop takes place on Zoom, each session is 60 minutes, 1 paper per session. Papers are distributed one week in advance together with the zoom link via our mailinglist.

If you want to subscribe to the eMail list to receive the working papers and to receive the Zoom link to attend the workshop, please get in touch with the organisers:

André Walter (University of Zurich,
Cecilia Bruzelius (University of Tuebingen,
Philip Rathgeb (University of Edinburgh,


27.10.22, 3.30pm (CET)

Union membership and electoral demand for redistribution

Nadja Mosimann (University of Zurich/Geneva) & Line Rennwald (FORS/University of Geneva)

Discussant: Magnus B. Rasmussen (University of South Eastern Norway/Oslo New University College)

24.11.22, 3:30pm (CET)

Perception of fairness of household labor divisions and welfare state attitudes

Anna N. Helgøy (University of Oslo) & Arno Van Hootegem (KU Leuven)

Discussant: Hannah Schwander (Humboldt University, Berlin)

08.12.22, 3:30pm (CET)

EU Employment Policy and Social Citizenship since the Great Recession: Stratifying, Universalizing or Capacitating?

Robin Huguenot-Noel (European University Institute) & Francesco Corti (University of Milan/CEPS) Discussant: Elke Heins (University of Edinburgh)

26.01.23, 3:30pm (CET)

Going Quiet – The New Politics of the Climate Welfare State 

Katrijn Siderius (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Discussant: Arianna Tassinari (MPIfG Cologne)

23.02.23, 3:30pm (CET)

What drives early childhood education and care expansion? A qualitative comparative analysis of ECEC coverage in Spain’s autonomous communities

Steven Ballantyne (European University Institute)

Discussant: Ana Guillén (Universidad de Oviedo, tbc)

30.03.23, 3:30pm (CET)

The Transition to the Knowledge Economy as Skill-Biased Institutional Change

Sebastian Diessner (Leiden University), Niccolo Durazzi (University of Edinburgh) & David Hope (King’s College London)

Discussant: Marius Busemeyer (University of Konstanz)

27.04.23, 3:30pm (CET)

How are groups constituted through social policy legislation? Exploring temporal sequences of inclusion into old-age protection in a global perspective

Johanna Kuhlmann, Kerem Gabriel Öktem, Laura Andrea Alvarez Tobar, Frank Nullmeier & Delia González de Reufels (University of Bremen)

Discussant: Patrick Emmenegger (University of St. Gallen)