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Postdoc position: Study families, inequality and social policy at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI)

Interested in families, inequality and social policy? We are hiring a postdoctoral fellow at the  Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University. 

The position as a postdoc is connected to the comparative social policy research carried out at SOFI ( and part of the project rEUsilience: Risks, Resources and Inequalities: Increasing Resilience in European Families, funded by Horizon Europe.

Taken as a whole, the project’s research aim is to identify the level of risk and socio-economic insecurity faced by families across Europe and the capacity of different family types to absorb socio-economic shocks by adjusting behaviours and structural arrangements. The postdoc position provides an excellent opportunity to perform country-comparative research to critically examine the role of policy.

The work takes place in an outstanding international consortium with partners in 6 countries (Belgium, Spain, Croatia, Poland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom), and will comprise both pan-European analyses of existing data (on policy and practice) and new focus group research.

Main responsibilities
The postdoc is expected to bring along plans for their research within the scope of the role Stockholm University has in the rEUsilience project. The grant application is available upon request. The postdoc is further expected to collaborate with other project members, and contribute to predominantly quantitative analyses of the impact of social policy on family resilience. The postdoc will work with a wide variety of Eurostat micro-datasets, perform micro-simulations of social policy using EUROMOD.

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